Please try our wide variety of interactive financial problem solvers. Simply enter your criteria and you'll get your questions answered with dynamic graphs and personalized reports.
Home Budget Analyzer 
One of the most important aspects of controlling your budget is to determine where your money is going. This interactive problem solver helps you do just that.
Should My Spouse Work? Calculator 
This calculator is designed to help you see the financial impact of adding, or removing, a spouse's income to your household.
HSA Contribution Calculator 
This Health Savings Account (HSA) calculator determines the amount you are allowed to deposit into an HSA account for the current tax year.
Life Insurance Needs Estimator 
How much life insurance do you need? Enter your current assets, expenses, income and let us help you determine how much life insurance you need.
Checkbook Balancer 
Let us help you balance your checkbook.
Savings Calculator 
What will it take to reach your savings goal? Enter in your savings plan and view graphically your financial results.
Savings After Inflation And Taxes? 
Use this interactive problem solver to determine how much your savings will be worth with these two important variables in mind.
Lunch Savings 
One of the best ways to increase your savings is to spend less. Even a simple change such as bringing a bagged lunch to work a few times a week can make a difference. This calculator illustrates how a little lunch savings can go a long way.
Debt Consolidation Financial Calculator 
Should you consolidate your debt? This calculator is designed to help determine if debt consolidation is right for you.
Accelerate Debt Payoff 
This calculator can show you how to accelerate your debt payoff. Consolidating your debt is only half of the battle. You still need a plan to get your debt paid in full.
Roll-Down Your Credit Card Debt! 
This calculator applies two simple principles to paying off your credit card debt.
Credit Card Pay Off 
Find the best repayment options to pay off your credit card balance.